Monday, August 01, 2005

Because I can...

Which is the answer to the question: why begin a blog? I've done so to provide myself with an outlet for my interests, really. A place for me to post my thoughts and opinions on politics, science, religion, philosophy...really anything that catches my interest on a given day. I've seen others do their own blogs and do them well, so I humbly submit my attempt at such.
By the way, the name "A Beginner's Mind" refers to the idea of treating each learning experience as a fresh experience, unhindered by previous ideas or notions of how things are. This is how I endeavor to approach learning new things, that I may understand them on their own merits and not be locked into my own preconceptions.
Well, that sounds about pompous enough. So, without further rambling, I will say "Welcome" to A Beginner's Mind.


Samurai Sam said...

Thanks! I'll do my best.

Gifted-1 said...

You are very wise!